Meatless Monday: You Don’t Always Get What You Want

Portobello Mushroom bake

But if you try sometime… you get what you need! 

I’ve got another Meatless Monday treat for you today, courtesy of my Poo love.

And funny enough a few minutes after she sent me this post last night, I stumbled across this blog!

Turns out the meat loving Cleveland has declared Meatless Monday an official thing! How cool is that? But more than MM, what really caught my eye in the headline was the Kielbasa mention… Poo and I am both BIG fans of Kielbasa smothered in mustard ❤ And she is actually the first person I ever enjoyed this meaty treat with!

Alright, now for all you Portobello Mushroom lovers… read on!

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Lamb Meatballs over Zucchini Noodles with Mint Pesto (now that’s a mouthful)

lamb meatball - zuch noodles - mint pesto

Today as I was heating up my dinner leftovers for lunch in the office microwave – one of the sales lady’s walked by and said that my lunch smelled so good that she was tempted to steal it right out of the nuker.

I am very glad she resisted temptation – because I would have punched her in the face.

And mind you I am very much a lover NOT a fighter.

But last night’s dinner was (excuse my french) effing delicious and I knew the leftovers were going to be just as good and there was no way in hell I was going to share.

I even like this lady a fair amount!  She compliments my hair when it’s down and outfits when they merit mention – but my belly would hear nothing of such niceties! It wanted to eat!

So maybe I didn’t share my lunch with the sales lady… and perhaps I mentally threatened to punch her face… not my finest moment I’ll admit it.  But it’s all good because now I’m going to share the recipe!  So all is forgiven!  Right?

Lamb Meatballs over Zucchini Noodles with Mint Pesto 

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Spaghetti Squash with Basil & Arugula Pesto

Spaghetti Squash Pesto

As ya’ll have noticed… I’ve recently fallen trap to being a lazy blogger.  And given that when I decide on something (i.e. being a lazy blogger) I like to go all out – I usually don’t plan on blogging our meals – which means I don’t take any photos of the cooking process.

But then the dish is complete, and it’s effing amazing and I really want to share it with you!  And then I realize I have a green pesto dish piled into a green bowl, and the photo kind of sucks.  But I have a hunch you don’t read this blog for my mad photography skillz… so I go ahead and snap a photo for the sake of having at least one picture and I’ll tell myself: “Don’t forget to blog this recipe.”

But I forget.

And then a few weeks go  by and I’m purging my 600 plus iPhone photos and see that green-on-green dish and remember my promise and log into to your very favorite cooking blog (right?) and start this post.

Side Note: We’ve been cutting carbs and sugar out of our home-diet and Spaghetti Squash has to be one of the best vessels for anything we may have made with pasta/rice/quinoa before.   I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to discover it!

Side-Side Note: As of Saturday I started an 8-week Paleo Challenge, which along with carbs and sugars means no dairy (SAY WHAT?!?!?!) so as much as I loved the cheese in this dish you can certainly leave it out, which I will be doing next time I whip this gem up.

Basil & Arugula Pesto over Spaghetti Squash “Noodles”

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