Meatless Monday: You Don’t Always Get What You Want

Portobello Mushroom bake

But if you try sometime… you get what you need! 

I’ve got another Meatless Monday treat for you today, courtesy of my Poo love.

And funny enough a few minutes after she sent me this post last night, I stumbled across this blog!

Turns out the meat loving Cleveland has declared Meatless Monday an official thing! How cool is that? But more than MM, what really caught my eye in the headline was the Kielbasa mention… Poo and I am both BIG fans of Kielbasa smothered in mustard ❤ And she is actually the first person I ever enjoyed this meaty treat with!

Alright, now for all you Portobello Mushroom lovers… read on!

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Guest Blogging: Meatless Monday Magic

meatless monday red chile

I’m super duper excited to introduce you to one of my dearest, oldest (not like old in age but like old as in we’re homies that go way back) and most favorite friends today! I call her Pooey, but you can call her Amanda. Seriously, though, don’t call her Pooey because that is reserved nickname between the two of us. And yes, it’s copyrighted.

Amanda has for as long as I can remember now been a pretty dedicated Meatless Monday devotee and is sharing her most recent MM dinner with us tonight! But it’s not just any dinner sans-meat, it’s the best of the best… delicious freshly blended like your Grandma use to, Red Chile. And BEANS too!

And because she is one of the biggest history buffs I know, you’ll also get a little MM history to go with your dinner tonight 🙂

So without further adieu… let me introduce my Poo! And your new Meatless Monday guest blogger!

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